
Using AI to design bespoke AI hardware


At Heronic Technologies, we deliver state-of-the-art bespoke accelerator architectures for AI. Inspired by the great mathematician Heron of Alexandria, who pioneered the concept of automata in mechanics, we are redefining the automation of hardware design. We have produced the best-in-class hardware when it comes to TinyML, object detection and human action recognition tasks, setting the industry standard for performance and innovation. Our technology is compatible with the latest FPGA devices from leading vendors, including AMD, Altera, Lattice, Microchip, and GOWIN. Additionally, we are actively developing our ASIC toolflow to further expand our capabilities.

the technology

Heronic Technologies AI to RTL toolflow

the founding team

We are a group of researcher from Imperial College London with the vision of shifting the paradigm of AI computing. Together we have been researching hardware acceleration of AI algorithms for the past 6 years. This has led to numerous publications in top-tier conferences and journals, achieving state-of-the-art performance in object detection, human action recognition and image classification on FPGA devices. Our work has also won awards from AMD, as well as achieving state-of-the-art on the MLCommon's MLPerf Tiny benchmark.

Alex is an experienced AI hardware architecture designer as well as an avid entrepreneur. He has previously founded a startup in predictive maintenance using Edge AI, leading successful projects and winning awards and funding for his venture. Alex is currently a PhD candidate at Imperial College London, where he researches efficient architecture design for convolutional neural network accelerators. He earned his M.Eng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Imperial College London.

Petros is a motivated engineer with a solid academic and professional background in Machine Learning, FPGA-based acceleration, and Robotics. His passion for advancing AI technologies is reflected in his extensive research and development activities, as well as his active contributions to the scientific community through numerous publications and involvement in European projects. Petros combines strong theoretical understanding with hands-on experience, particularly in the fields of machine learning, reconfigurable hardware, and robotics. He is a dedicated and accomplished engineer and researcher, with a proven track record of developing and optimizing AI and machine learning solutions for advanced applications.

Zhewen is currently a PhD student at Imperial College London, a software engineer at AMD, and a former research engineer at Imagination Technologies. His expertise lies in optimizing performance and scalability in ML systems, spanning the full stack of the technology, from model compression, compilation, customized accelerators, to software and hardware co-design. Leveraging his academic background and extensive industry experience, Zhewen is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of ML technology.

Christos-Savvas Bouganis is a Professor of Intelligent Digital Systems in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London, U.K. He is leading the iDSL group at Imperial College, with a focus on the theory and practice of reconfigurable computing and design automation, mainly targeting the domains of Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Robotics.

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